The Ancient City of Ibadan, Nigeria


The City of Cleveland, Ohio recently re activated the sister city relationship between the Cities of Cleveland and Ibadan, Nigeria. This will help to facilitate the exchange of cultural, economic and educational ideals between the two cities. 

 Nigeria has 36 states. Ibadan is the capital of Oyo state. Ibadan with population of over two million people is located about 80 miles south of Lagos. Nigeria is a country blessed with rich cultural heritage. There are about 250 ethnic groups in Nigeria with as many languages. Yoruba is the name of the ethnic group and language in Ibadan.  However, the English language is the common language spoken in Nigeria. The cultural and traditional society in Nigeria has an institution of chiefs and elders. They constitute an oligarchy to maintain customs and traditions. One of such institution is the ancient city of Ibadan. Ibadan is the largest ancient city in West African. It is headed by the Oba. The Oba means king of a nation. His official title is the Olubadan. The Oba has a cabinet that are known as the Kingmakers. The kingmakers are chiefs who advise the Oba and help to enforce the traditions, norms and the values of the society.

The traditional system co-exists with the governmental hierarchy in Nigeria. Nigeria operates an elected presidential system of government based on the British common laws. This consists of the executive, legislature and the judiciary.  There is the Federal, State and local governments. The set up is much like what you have in the United States. At the federal level, there is the senate and Federal house of representative. The states have one house of Assembly, while the local government has counselors. Each state has council of chiefs. There is one judicial system that operates from the federal to the local levels of government.  The Ibadan Local government Area works together with the Oba of Ibadan to maintain good governance and to provide services to the people. The Oba handles traditional issues while the Local Government Authority handles civil and criminal matters. Ibadan has the oldest University in Nigeria called University of Ibadan. Other major institutions in Ibadan include, University College Hospital, International Institute of tropical Agriculture, etc.

The social and governmental structure in Ibadan exemplifies the structure in most Nigerian cities. It provides the conducive environment for economic development and investment. It is based on sound enabling environment for trade and civility.

Chuck Ike Nnabuife